how to change file path in visual studio code

// Specifies the color theme used in the workbench. Single-folder workspaces Folder's list view has different sized fonts in different folders, Canadian of Polish descent travel to Poland with Canadian passport. // When using a vendor-specific prefix, also include the standard property. // Controls whether opened editors should show in tabs or not. // Controls whether the built-in HTML language support validates embedded scripts. "javascript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier". // - content: The name of the untitled file is derived from the contents of its first line unless it has an associated file path. // Enable/disable references CodeLens in TypeScript files. // The package manager used to run scripts. // Plays a sound when the active line has a folded area that can be unfolded. Which ability is most related to insanity: Wisdom, Charisma, Constitution, or Intelligence? Accepts "normal" and "bold" keywords or numbers between 1 and 1000. How do I add an existing directory tree to a project in Visual Studio? // Validate reference links in Markdown files, for example `[link][ref]`. Files that are larger will not be added to the local file history. "interactiveWindow.collapseCellInputCode". // When enabled, trusted domain prompts will appear when opening links in trusted workspaces. For example, in JavaScript, the semi-colon (`;`) can be a commit character that accepts a suggestion and types that character. // Preferences used to modify behavior of some actions and resolvers of Emmet. // Controls whether text selected in the terminal will be copied to the clipboard. // Controls whether the Explorer should expand multi-root workspaces containing only one folder during initialization. // Enable Emmet abbreviations in languages that are not supported by default. Must be the identifier of an extension contributing a formatter. // - auto: Spawn both a full server and a lighter weight server dedicated to syntax operations. // - active: Enables bracket pair guides only for the active bracket pair. // - always: Always confirm if there are debug sessions. // Controls the default search result view mode. // Complete functions with their parameter signature. // Controls the amount of space between the top edge of the editor and the first line. // Controls whether to enable the natural language search mode for settings. // Controls whether bracket pair guides are enabled or not. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. // - modifications: Format modifications (requires source control). From the next terminal it will be reflected. // Controls font size of inlay hints in the editor. // Control whether a repository in parent folders of workspaces or open files should be opened. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `struct`-symbols. // VS Code loads custom data on startup to enhance its CSS support for the custom CSS properties, at directives, pseudo classes and pseudo elements you specify in the JSON files. // Specifies the preferred color theme for dark OS appearance when `window.autoDetectColorScheme` is enabled. // When enabled, Outline shows `field`-symbols. Why did US v. Assange skip the court of appeal? // The number of milliseconds to show the bell within a terminal tab when triggered. // - default: Results are sorted by folder and file names, in alphabetical order. // Controls if the Debug Console should be automatically closed when the debug session ends. In the Download cache section, decide whether you want to keep the download cache, and if so, where you want to store its files. // Defines space handling after opening and before closing non-empty brackets. // Controls whether suggestions should automatically show up when typing trigger characters. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. // Configure settings to be overridden for the git-commit language. // - none: Don't save any editors before starting a debug session. Use a single server to handle all IntelliSense operations. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `reference`-suggestions. "editor.bracketPairColorization.independentColorPoolPerBracketType". "editor.semanticTokenColorCustomizations". How do I set a path for DLL files to be searched in Visual Studio for a particular project alone? The window will not be able to be dragged by the icon. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `enum`-symbols. If files are opened they will open in one of the restored windows. `C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe` (Windows). "javascript.inlayHints.parameterNames.suppressWhenArgumentMatchesName". // When enabled IntelliSense filtering requires that the first character matches on a word start. // Controls whether the diff editor shows +/- indicators for added/removed changes. You might want to hide the Activity Bar to give the editor a little more room, or if you prefer to open views via the View menu or Command Palette. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `property`-symbols. // Shows the active terminal information in the view. For example adding `/about` would not validate the link `[about](/about)`, while the glob `/assets/**/*.svg` would let you skip validation for any link to `.svg` files under the `assets` directory. For example including this line would always start your terminal in the baz directory: To apply the change, simply Save and restart Visual Studio Code. // Controls the font size in pixels of the terminal. "search.searchEditor.defaultNumberOfContextLines". Language-specific remote settings - Same as Remote settings, but specific to a language. More information can be found How do you force Visual Studio to regenerate the .designer files for aspx/ascx files? // Enable/disable strict function types in JavaScript and TypeScript files that are not part of a project. // Controls the default view mode of the Problems view. A setting of 'compact' will move the menu into the side bar. // Shows possible Emmet abbreviations as suggestions. // Controls whether the diff editor shows the diff side by side or inline. // - interval: Line numbers are rendered every 10 lines. If configured to `${activeEditorLanguage}`, will use the language identifier of the currently active text editor if any. Not applicable in stylesheets or when emmet.showExpandedAbbreviation is set to `"never"`. // - always: Always saves all editors before running. "editor.unicodeHighlight.includeComments". // Controls the default Source Control repository changes sort order when viewed as a list. // Controls whether commits without running pre-commit and commit-msg hooks are allowed. "workbench.preferredHighContrastLightColorTheme". Content Discovery initiative April 13 update: Related questions using a Review our technical responses for the 2023 Developer Survey. // - false: Do not highlight the active indent guide. // - explicit: Smooth caret animation is enabled only when the user moves the cursor with an explicit gesture. // Controls the font family in the Debug Console. // Controls whether to show line numbers for search results. 3. // - notRemote: Enable only when not in a remote workspace. Share Improve this answer Follow answered Sep 22, 2021 at 5:05 Adithya 1,668 1 10 18 Add a comment -1 Preview editors do not stay open, are reused until explicitly set to be kept open (via double-click or editing), and show file names in italics. "workbench.list.mouseWheelScrollSensitivity". // Enables the inlay hints in the editor. You can also view the default values in the Settings editor or see a read-only version of the defaultSettings.json via Preferences: Open Default Settings (JSON). // Controls whether the Explorer should allow to move files and folders via drag and drop. The identifier of an extension is always `${publisher}.${name}`. How do I open a VS Code "workspace"? Set to `null` to delete the environment variable. If you're running the program from the IDE, you can modify environment variables by adjusting the Debugging options in the project properties. // - true: Scan for both subfolders of the current opened folder and parent folders of open files. Files are interwoven with folders. // - configuredByTheme: Semantic highlighting is configured by the current color theme's `semanticHighlighting` setting. // Controls the visibility of the Source Control diff decorator in the gutter. // - watch: Only create compile and watch tasks. Use the `workbench.editor.sharedViewState` setting to use the last known view state across all editor groups in case no previous view state was found for a editor group. // Controls font aliasing method in the workbench. "terminal.integrated.sendKeybindingsToShell". // Controls whether Quick Open should close automatically once it loses focus. Now you are able to type to set the path you want to use. // - default: Files and folders are sorted by their names. In such a form, single child folders will be compressed in a combined tree element. // Path and filename of the git executable, e.g. Note that when this is true and the keystroke results in a chord it will bypass `terminal.integrated.commandsToSkipShell`, setting this to false is particularly useful when you want ctrl+k to go to your shell (not VS Code). // When enabled breadcrumbs show `constructor`-symbols. // Whether to include results from recently opened files in the file results for Quick Open. When tabs are enabled and two files have the same name in one group the distinguishing sections of each file's path are added. Install the Go extension 4. If an extension has an update, it is marked as outdated in the Extensions view. // - contiguous: Use contiguous matching when searching. // Plays a sound when a task fails (non-zero exit code). // - When specified as a workspace setting, `typescript.tsdk` allows you to switch to use that workspace version of TypeScript for IntelliSense with the `TypeScript: Select TypeScript version` command. // When enabled, Outline shows `file`-symbols. // Controls the line height used in the Markdown preview. When enabled, the file contents of an editor that is saved will be stored to a backup location to be able to restore or review the contents later. // The font family of the output text within notebook cells. Disabled extensions are not updated automatically. // - never: Never hide the terminal tabs view, // - singleTerminal: Hide the terminal tabs view when there is only a single terminal opened, // - singleGroup: Hide the terminal tabs view when there is only a single terminal group opened. To get started with debugging you need to fill in the program field with the path to the executable you plan to debug. // - replace: Insert suggestion and overwrite text right of the cursor. // Adjust the zoom level of the window. // - always: Check for any unsaved files. // Controls whether the editor should highlight the active indent guide. // List of tags, comma separated, that shouldn't be reformatted. "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionScrollback". // Object with environment variables that will be added to the VS Code process to be used by the terminal on macOS. // - start: Check for updates only on startup. // Save all dirty editors before running a task. As default the `editor.fontSize` is used when the configured value is less than `5` or greater than the editor font size. // - numbers: A random number between 100 and 999. // - Beside: Open the diff view next to the current editor group. // Controls whether the main menus can be opened via Alt-key shortcuts. When disabled, empty groups will remain part of the grid. You can learn more about turning on and configuring Settings Sync in the Settings Sync user guide. "javascript.suggest.classMemberSnippets.enabled". // When enabled notebook breadcrumbs contain code cells. This setting is used when file paths are added by tooling such as path completions or file renames. If you do not have a launch.json file, go to the Run view in VS Code and click create a launch.json file. By default tabs will only reveal upon scrolling, but not open. // Controls whether inline actions are always visible in the Source Control view. // Plays a sound when the active line has an error. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `module`-suggestions. // Overrides editor semantic token color and styles from the currently selected color theme. Some languages have default language-specific settings already set, which you can review in defaultSettings.json by running the Preferences: Open Default Settings command. // Controls whether words are overwritten when accepting completions. // The option `"inMarkupAndStylesheetFilesOnly"` applies to html, haml, jade, slim, xml, xsl, css, scss, sass, less and stylus. // Controls whether force push (with or without lease) is enabled. // Controls whether a notification comes up when running the Sync action, which allows the user to cancel the operation. // Controls whether the Source Control view should automatically reveal and select files when opening them. Set to `true` to never prompt, or use a dictionary of task types to turn off prompting only for specific task types. When this is disabled a dropdown will display instead. Code will check for updates automatically and periodically. // Enable running npm scripts contained in a folder from the Explorer context menu. // Controls the strategy for computing folding ranges. Extensions using `limited` will always be enabled, and the extension will hide functionality that requires trust. // - off: Disable proxy support for extensions. // - panel: Confirm if the terminal is in the panel. If we had a video livestream of a clock being sent to Mars, what would we see? If this is false (default), a prompt is shown. Catch up on the highlights from VS Code Day! // Controls the number of recently used commands to keep in history for the command palette. // Zoom the font of the editor when using mouse wheel and holding `Ctrl`. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `enum`-suggestions. // - always: Always open a repository in parent folders of workspaces or open files. // Controls whether the built-in PHP language suggestions are enabled. Not the answer you're looking for? When used with ``, you can enable the full functionality of VS Code without prompting in an empty window. Options are used to create a request using the `got` library. VS Code provides several different scopes for settings. or click the Run Code button in the editor title menu. // - preserve: Open the panel to the state that it was in, before it was closed. As an example, lets change the editor line number color. Prevents horizontal drift when scrolling vertically on a trackpad. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `struct`-suggestions. // - off: Do not render with reduced motion. // Controls whether bracket pair colorization is enabled or not. This will force a regular (line) selection and disallow the use of column selection mode. // Configure settings to be overridden for the plaintext language. // - languageDefined: Use language configurations to determine when to automatically surround selections. "markdown.validate.fragmentLinks.enabled". // Controls the minimum size of a file in MB before asking for confirmation when opening in the editor. // - \: Use backslash as path separation character. // Enable verbose output when `git.useEditorAsCommitInput` is enabled. 1. // - `${sequence}`: the name provided to the terminal by the process, // - `${task}`: indicates this terminal is associated with a task, "${task}${separator}${local}${separator}${cwdFolder}". // Controls whether the search automatically restarts from the beginning (or the end) when no further matches can be found. // Controls the letter spacing of the terminal. when using the `--new-window` or `--reuse-window` command line option). The Search bar remembers your settings search queries and supports Undo/Redo (Z (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Z)/Z (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Y)). A launch.json file is used to configure the debugger in Visual Studio Code. // When `search.searchOnType` is enabled, controls the timeout in milliseconds between a character being typed and the search starting. // Configure settings to be overridden for the dockerfile language. // Controls the default Source Control repository view mode. // Plays a sound when a notebook cell execution is successfully completed. // Configure the opener to use for external URIs (http, https). // The default `runtimeExecutable` used for launch configurations, if unspecified. // - path: Repositories in the Source Control Repositories and Source Control views are sorted by repository path. The Release Notes are fetched from a Microsoft online service. // Show only keyboard shortcuts in screencast mode (do not include action names). // Enables the simple file dialog. // Controls whether the editor will scroll beyond the last line. Now you can start editing settings specifically for that language: Or, if workbench.settings.editor is set to json, now you can start adding language-specific settings to your user settings: If you have a file open and you want to customize the editor for this file type, select the Language Mode in the Status Bar to the bottom-right of the VS Code window. // - normal: A pinned tab inherits the look of non pinned tabs. "extensions.closeExtensionDetailsOnViewChange". When you add a Workspace Settings settings.json file to your project or source control, the settings for the project will be shared by all users of that project. // Whether the linter is run on save or on type. // Controls whether to confirm when the window closes if there are active debug sessions. "markdown.validate.unusedLinkDefinitions.enabled". Editor view state is stored per editor group and discarded when a group closes. // - neverOpen: Never automatically open the testing view, // - openOnTestStart: Open the testing view when tests start, // - openOnTestFailure: Open the testing view on any test failure. When tabs are disabled, the path relative to the workspace folder is shown if the editor is active. Disable this option to prevent macOS from creating a new space when going full-screen. // Enables the use of mouse buttons four and five for commands 'Go Back' and 'Go Forward'. // - auto: Insert `={}` or `=""` after attribute names based on the prop type. If disabled, an editor will prefer to open in the currently active editor group. // - hidden: Hide Source Control Provider count badges. // The path separation character used when copying relative file paths. // Suggests to enable smart commit (commit all changes when there are no staged changes). Edit the text or select the option you want to change to the desired settings. // Determines whether or not shell integration is auto-injected to support features like enhanced command tracking and current working directory detection. // Controls the display of line numbers in the cell editor. "javascript.format.insertSpaceAfterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements". // - antialiased: Smooth the font on the level of the pixel, as opposed to the subpixel. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `method`-symbols. // - peek: Show Peek view of the results (default), // - gotoAndPeek: Go to the primary result and show a Peek view, // - goto: Go to the primary result and enable Peek-less navigation to others, "editor.gotoLocation.multipleDeclarations". // Controls whether the layout control is shown in the custom title bar. // Controls whether to use the message from the commit input box as the default stash message. // - auto: Remove adjacent closing quotes or brackets only if they were automatically inserted. // Emulate selection behavior of tab characters when using spaces for indentation. // - allEditorsInActiveGroup: Save all editors in the active group before starting a debug session. // Controls if the lines should wrap in the Debug Console. "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterCommaDelimiter", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterConstructor", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingEmptyBraces", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingJsxExpressionBraces", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBraces", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyParenthesis", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingTemplateStringBraces", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterSemicolonInForStatements". Note that this setting may not apply to all editor types and environments. // Enable/disable strict null checks in JavaScript and TypeScript files that are not part of a project. // The Linux profiles to present when creating a new terminal via the terminal dropdown. // - Values greater than or equal to 8 will be used as effective values. // Controls whether lists and trees have smooth scrolling. Disabling mnemonics allows to bind these Alt-key shortcuts to editor commands instead. // Controls if deletions in base or one of the inputs should be indicated by a vertical bar. // Whether to stop when conditional breakpoints throw an error. In the following list, later scopes override earlier scopes: Values with primitive types and Array types are overridden, meaning a configured value in a scope that takes precedence over another scope is used instead of the value in the other scope. Files are displayed before folders. // Controls the automatic update behavior of extensions. // Controls whether to automatically open the Peek view during continuous run mode. // Controls whether the Linux primary clipboard should be supported. // Whether to use ConPTY for Windows terminal process communication (requires Windows 10 build number 18309+). // Specifies the preferred color theme used in high contrast dark mode when `window.autoDetectHighContrast` is enabled. Another way to customize your editor by language is by running the global command Preferences: Configure Language Specific Settings (command ID: workbench.action.configureLanguageBasedSettings) from the Command Palette (P (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Shift+P)) which opens the language picker. // - disabled: Disables incremental naming. // Controls the feedback area size in pixels of the dragging area in between views/editors. The debugger checks to see if the symbol file exists in that . // - betweenCells: A toolbar that appears on hover between cells. // Controls whether the editor should detect links and make them clickable. Enter is also used to evaluate whatever is typed in the Debug Console. // Controls whether a border should be drawn around the overview ruler. // - newUntitledFile: Open a new untitled text file (only applies when opening an empty window). // - vertical: Editors are positioned from top to bottom. // - auto: Files with less than 10 results are expanded. // Whether to automatically navigate to the next merge conflict after resolving a merge conflict. // Controls whether Outline items are collapsed or expanded. // Suppress type hints on variables whose name is identical to the type name. // - removeExtension: Prefer removing the file extension. Supported dictionaries: `adjectives`, `animals`, `colors` and `numbers`. // Timeout in milliseconds after which file participants for create, rename, and delete are cancelled. // Customizes which terminal application to run on macOS. // Controls whether the editor should remove adjacent closing quotes or brackets when deleting. Each __Item__ represents a parent pattern and may contain a single `*` character that matches any string. // Set default properties that are applied to all ports that don't get properties from the setting `remote.portsAttributes`. // Remember the last git command that ran after a commit. For example, language-specific user settings override non-language-specific workspace settings. // Indent wrapped attributes to after N characters. // Controls whether to force selection when using Option+click on macOS. Helps to avoid ambiguity between inserting new lines or accepting suggestions. // Defines space handling after keywords in a control flow statement. // - default: Enable automatic update checks. Can be either a boolean to enable/disable the translation from font-weight to font-variation-settings or a string for the value of the CSS 'font-variation-settings' property. Gulp task detection can cause files in any open workspace to be executed. // - failureInVisibleDocument: Open automatically when a test fails in a visible document. // - focus: Focus side bar if the clicked item is already visible. // Where a "Run" and "Debug" code lens should be shown in your npm scripts. Use `null` for unlimited. {md,mkd,mdwn,mdown,markdown,markdn,mdtxt,mdtext,workbook}", "**/*.{jpg,jpe,jpeg,png,bmp,gif,ico,webp,avif,tiff,svg,mp4}". By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Glyph margin is mostly used for debugging. When set to 'trigger', type navigation begins once the 'list.triggerTypeNavigation' command is run. // Controls when the Markdown header folding arrow is shown. ", How to: Set Environment Variables for Projects, How a top-ranked engineering school reimagined CS curriculum (Ep. // An array of languages where Emmet abbreviations should not be expanded. If the null hypothesis is never really true, is there a point to using a statistical test without a priori power analysis? // A set of process names to ignore when using the `terminal.integrated.confirmOnKill` setting. // Controls when `cursorSurroundingLines` should be enforced. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. This setting can also be configured per language. // - yarn: Use yarn as the package manager for running scripts. "javascript.format.placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions". // Controls how the editor should render whitespace characters. `explorer.fileNesting.enabled` must be set for this to take effect. // - auto: Type over closing quotes or brackets only if they were automatically inserted. "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace". and look through any items that come up to see if any of them are changing your default path. // Controls what to do when errors are encountered after running a preLaunchTask. None of the answers solved exactly my problem (the solution file I was running was trying to find xcopy to copy a dll after generation). // Configures which processes to automatically attach and debug when `debug.node.autoAttach` is on. "extensions.confirmedUriHandlerExtensionIds". // - auto: Applies `default` or `antialiased` automatically based on the DPI of displays. // Preferred path style for auto imports. "javascript.preferences.renameShorthandProperties", "javascript.preferences.useAliasesForRenames". // - true: Files will be revealed and selected. Be sure not to put spaces around '=' sign. // Controls enablement of Grunt task detection. // When opening a file from the Explorer in a terminal, determines what kind of terminal will be launched.

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